Make-A-Wish Truck Convoy 2018
May 16, 2018

Sunday, May 13th the Make-A-Wish Foundation hosted their 29th annual Mother’s Day Truck Convoy. This event brought out 539 truck drivers and 125 wish kids, all excited to hop inside a big rig and blow that horn! This year, RoadPro Family of Brands had the opportunity to not only ride in the convoy but accompany a wish kid for their first truck ride.
Sabra, a beautiful 11-year-old girl, took the front seat of Henry Albert’s truck, anxiously anticipating the drive and honking the horn! As the convoy began, we had the opportunity to chat with Sabra’s mom about what brought them here to Make-A-Wish.
Sabra was diagnosed with Leigh Syndrome, a rare form of Mitochondrial disease, that causes progressive loss of mental and movement abilities. An uncurable syndrome that typically does not allow children to live past three.
Now 11 years old, Sabra is doing incredibly well. Her mental state is at the age of 3-4, however, her reading is blowing everyone away. In the fourth grade, Sabra is reading at a third-grade level! Unheard of for a Leigh Syndrome child.
The doctors monitor her regularly, and she is given a vitamin “mocktail” daily, but other than that there is no treatment for Leigh Syndrome yet. What her mom did mention is that it is gaining more attention in the medical community, so they do expect new and improved treatments in the years to come.
Their family recently became a part of Make-A-Wish, as Sabra had the opportunity to go to Florida this past year and receive her wish of visiting Disney World. Living locally in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the convoy was the next opportunity they couldn’t pass up. After sitting along the road for years and watching the trucks go by, being able to ride inside of a truck was a dream come true!
We are so happy to be part of this event and lucky to meet these special Make-A-Wish children along the way. If you ever wondered why so many truck drivers take the time to come to little ol’ Lancaster, Pennsylvania to drive in a 26-mile convoy, now you know.
They do it for kids like Sabra. We hope to see everybody there for years to come!
To learn more about the convoy, take a look at our article detailing the event.
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