Natural Energy Boosters for Truck Drivers


Natural Energy Boosters for Truck Drivers

October 18, 2018

Natural Energy Boosters for Truck Drivers

If you’re a truck driver, sitting for hours every day can be exhausting. Both your body and brain could use some help staying energized. Here are 5 natural ways to boost your energy, that won’t involve an excessive amount of caffeine.

1. Improve Sleep Quality

The obvious solution to lack of energy is more and better sleep. Unfortunately for truck drivers, more sleep is not always an option. Better quality sleep on the other hand can be. In another blog post, we walked through 5 steps that are guaranteed to improve your night sleep.

2. Increase Movement

Sitting all day can lead to less energy. Research suggests that a 10-minute walk can increase your energy for up to two hours. If you have the time at your next rest stop, why not take a short walk? Walking has been found to stimulate your entire brain.

If you don’t have the time or aren’t willing to add that into your routine, there are a few exercises you can even do in your driver's seat! When the truck is in park, you can simply do hand stretches, shoulder shrugs, glute squeezes, inner thigh strengtheners, heals raises, and more!

Any one of these options will increase movement and boost your daily natural energy.

3. Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can leave you feeling drained and fatigued. According to WebMD, “you don't necessarily have to follow the ‘eight glasses a day’ rule, but you do want to drink enough water to keep your body well hydrated.” Replacing that afternoon soda with a cup of ice-cold water will help boost your energy, without the impending sugar crash.

4. Snack Smart

I’m sure you’ve heard this before: “avoid high sugar content snacks and eat healthier”.

So rather than scolding you on your eating habits, we’ve compiled a list of snacks you might be happy to eat while on the truck. One fun fact we learned is that crunchy foods can help increase your alertness. Here are a few suggestions: air-popped or low-fat popcorn, almonds, pumpkin seeds, whole grain cereals, trail mix, frozen grapes, carrot sticks, celery, baked pita or tortilla chips, and apple slices.

Most if not all these snacks can be found in truck stops, keep an eye out for them next time you’re browsing!

5. Socialize

In an article by Healthline, they express the impact socializing has on overall health. They’ve found that “social connections are incredibly important for maintaining good health because social isolation can cause low mood and tiredness, especially as you get older”. For truck drivers, we know that staying connected to friends and family while on the road is a top priority.

However, face-to-face connections seems to be happening less and less, especially in the age of smartphones. If you are lacking in energy, studies have found positive interactions with other individuals to provide a boost.

Next time you’re waiting around for a truck stop shower, strike up a conversation with a fellow driver. If you see someone eating a meal alone, maybe offer to join them. These purposeful social interactions could make a world of difference both mentally and physically.

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