What is 10-4 Day?
September 26, 2017

In 1978, president Jimmy Carter, declared October 4 as National 10-4 day to celebrate the CB radio and its important role in keeping motorists safe on the road.
Fun facts about the CB:
The CB radio was invented in 1945 by Al Gross, who also invented the walkie-talkie.
In 1973 the oil crisis when limited gas supplies caused the US government to issue a 55 MPH speed limit drivers used the CB to communicate which gas stations had gas and to also let other drivers know where the police had set up speed traps.
By 1977 the CB was so popular that additional channels were opened up going from 23 to 40.
CB Radios had important roles in movies like Smokey and the Bandit and Convoy.
First Lady Betty Ford had her own CB handle - it was First Mama.
Don't have a CB?
Check out two of the top rated CB Mics!
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